Type: Light Cruiser, Calliope Class
Pennant: 25
Displacement: 4,230 tons (net)
Length: 446 feet
Beam: 41 feet 6 inches
Draught: 14 feet
Speed: 29 knots
Laid Down: 1914
Launched: 1915
Armament: 4x6 inch guns; 2x3 inch guns; 2x2 pdr AA guns; 2x21inch torpedo tubes
Builders: Hawthorne Leslie
2 shaft geared steam turbines SHP 40,000
Commissioned: ....
Crew: 370
Sister ships: Calliope

Ordered in July/August 1913 the Calliope class was similar to the Caroline class cruisers but equipped with geared turbines. The space gained allowed for the installation of two submerged 21 inch torpedoe tubes.Champion joined the Grand Fleet as the Leader of the 13th Destroyer flotilla and, with Calliope, took place in the Battle of Jutland in 1916. Champion was sold for scrap in 1934.