C.P.O. George Albert Edward
Ettie B.E.M., R.N.

HMCS Avalon
Anti-Submarine Establishment
10 July, 1941 - 3 November, 1943

I wonder if any of these old class mates are still around?
I would like to hear from any who are.
Dad is "Hetty (alias Job)"

According to several family members, Dad received his BEM largely because of his efforts to make an escort destroyer seaworthy. Apparently a convoy was ready to sail, but the ASDIC on board the destroyer was u/s and no dry dock was available. Dad and another sailor, wearing diving gear, took 30 minute turns at entering the icy waters of St. Johns harbour to make repairs to this ship. The repairs were successful and she sailed with the convoy within two weeks as opposed to the projected six weeks, thereby providing the very necessary protection for the convoy. Dad later collapsed in the street, due to his exposure to the frigid waters, and was hospitalised.

The following is a list of the friends that Dad made while living in Newfoundland:

  • Mrs. Learning - 109 Freshwater Road, St. Johns
  • Mrs. P. Learning - P.O. Box 147, Gander (known to us as Aunt Phyllis although we were not related)
  • Learnings - P.O. Box 684 Gander
  • Miss Joan Kavanagh - 125 Bond Street, St. Johns
  • Mrs. G. Lane - 121 Cabot Street, St. Johns
  • Mr. R. Moore - 218 Le Marchant Road, St. Johns
  • Mr. J. O'Neill - 21 Cochrane Street, St. Johns
  • Mrs. Saunders - 369 Southside Road, St. Johns
  • Mr. Smith - 215 Hamilton Avenue, St. Johns

More information on George's service can be found
on the Newfoundland's Grand Banks web site.